Tiffany Adler

United States

Tiffany Adler is an American artist practicing in Los Angeles, CA. Adler graduated with a Masters in Architecture in 2017. After graduating, she worked as a performing artist and model maker at Mike Kelley’s Kandors exhibit for 8 months at Hauser and Wirth, interpreting and constructing futuristic skyscrapers from Kelley’s imagined cities within the Superman comic book series. Adler practiced at several architecture firms thereafter, until deciding to leave the profession completely at the beginning of 2023, in pursuit of advancing her career as an artist.

Adler’s architectural background and interest in materiality informs her calibrated processes upon which her sculptures and contemporary narratives are derived from. Her interests lie both in the process of sculpture, as well as the conceptualization, fabrication, and construction of a scene, in service of communicating alternative narratives within classical frameworks of representation and architectural forms. In a woven effort, she seeks to interrogate and examine ever-evolving cultural ideas about feminism, gender dynamics, and human connection.

Her experience as a woman, in general, and in a profession that is still predominantly male led, informs her work symbolically through material manipulation, misbehaving formations of the body, and satirical narratives within the medium of film and photography. She often uses her own body as part of the narrative, and as a vehicle for communicating such ideas – a process by which is famously demonstrated in other female artists’ works, such as Cindy Sherman & Nadia Lee Cohen, to name just a few.

Her sculpture works also pivot off of classical and or architectural materials, often using plaster as the skin of the body, but foam at the core. A concept that is practically, functionally, and metaphorically suited to her artistic practice.

At this point in her career, she would like to use this focussed time at GlogauAIR to develop her own skill sets within the medium of photography and other, perhaps, post production, and other analogue processes, while still integrating her previous skill set, in hopes of finding a more integrated and holistic practice.

GlogauAIR Project
CV Summary

Former artists