Brittany Brush

United States

My art is a bridge linking external time and space to internal thoughts and feelings. Each work created draws from my curiosity to understand something deeper about society’s epistemology, ultimately fueling an innate desire to transform those feelings into sublime experiences. Stemming from my research in psychology and the inner workings of the subconscious, I pull inspiration for my works from the inside out—creating art in which our innermost thoughts, feelings, and sensations can be put on display and experienced. Contrasting external environments with internal thoughts, dreams, feelings, and emotions has become a driving force within my practice. These juxtapositions are what compel me to render and construct surreal environments: mental spaces and vast inscapes of internal subconscious terrain. Through my abstract arrangements of audio-visual language, I am interested in a deeper exploration into the emotive effects of sound on the subconscious. I employ and question the constructs of how the inherent properties of an audiovisual spectrum can be manipulated to trigger sensory relationships between the subconscious and phenomenological experiences. I view this connection between body and mind as a crucial parallel to understanding our existence.

GlogauAIR Project
CV Summary

Former artists