Lucija Zaja


My work is a fusion of abstraction and figuration. I am on the quest of understanding myself, experiences that shaped me, and the world we live in. My main sources of inspiration include memories and traumas related to my own experience with war, as well as our universal and collective pain. Relationship between hurt and love, frustration and peace, soft and aggressive is reflected through delicate brushstrokes, pouring methods, and prominent body parts, in which I try to capture these polarities and paradoxes of our lives. I use mainly acrylic paint, gouache, and collage to create layers often represented on paper, canvas, and sometimes dolls. Repetition of themes and symbols acts as an invitation to understand that love and hurt are universal, thus becoming intertwined. In my work I am trying to investigate where I belong, how the environment I live in shapes me, and if I can embrace tragedies as inspirations.




GlogauAIR Project
CV Summary

Former artists