Ben Reilly


I am a magpie, but a very particular one. I go for objects or views that are shinny to me. Sometimes I may use the object directly through filming, or I may make a mould of the object and cast it in wax. I start by casting an object that appeals to me perhaps because of its shape or maybe it fits in with some other piece or just because I like the look of it . In Film and sound I usually start out by trying to realize a particular idea but again I can add and remove pieces until it feels right, and this can happen over a long period. These pieces can sometimes cross over into print and take on a different form and meaning. Simply put my working method in all materials is very Sculptural, basically sticking things together until they seem right and work for me. The work itself tends to have a slightly dark element, of course in terms of colour and weight but there is humour perhaps a little perverse and slightly hidden but it is there.

GlogauAIR Project
CV Summary

Former artists