James Lemon

New Zealand

James Lemon, born in 1993 in Aotearoa (New Zealand), has been based in Naarm (Melbourne), Australia, since 2012. He’s a sculptor with a focus on clay. Lemon explores clay’s historical and ecological aspects, looking into its role in developing civilisations and connecting with other life forms.

Lemon’s work evokes religious elements, pop culture, and insects. While clay is his primary medium, Lemon often adds unconventional elements like bricks, precious stones, and discarded items to enrich his artistic language. His ongoing project, “SPHEXISHNESS,” addresses ecological concerns, specifically insect population decline and climate collapse. Through intuitive making, Lemon’s sculptures act as memorials for declining life forms, offering a commentary on the interconnectedness of human and natural worlds.


GlogauAIR Project
CV Summary

Open Studios

Former artists