Meet the On-line Artist // Sammi Carr

Meet  Sammi Carr (@scarrjam), an emerging artist whose connection with color and form ignites her self-taught creative journey. Her work is an artistic experiment, infused with spontaneity, and rooted in the world’s structural compositions.

Sammi’s artistic process is a deeply emotional exploration, weaving together memories, photographs, sketches, and environmental inspirations. Through the mediums of painting, drawing, collage, and writing, she delves into the intricate layers of both individual and collective human experiences.

Her work is a testament to the significance of ‘play’ in every facet of life, embodying a sense of automatic spontaneity reminiscent of Surrealist practices. It beautifully bridges the visual elements of the external world with the emotional tapestry of the internal, fostering a profound connection between freedom, expression, self-discovery, and the exploration of body, mind, and energy.