Home Sweet(?) Home



Group Show


Adi Oz-Ari | Adriane Morard | Camille Schaeffer | Lucas Ngo | Yves Hänggi


Curated by Hanna Bargheer


VERNISSAGE 5th of October – from 15:00h

OPEN from Tuesday 5th to Sunday 10th – from 10:00h to 18:00h

FINISSAGE 10th of October – from 15:00h


“Home” is a concept that is loved, difficult, beated, battered, used, and longed for. “Home” and the ideas that we associate with it, mark most everything we do, questioning where we rest our head, where we create community, where we belong, and where we work at our best. Bureaucratic, emotional, sentimental – we feel “home” and questions of “home” pulsate in our identity and our work.

In this exhibition we invited five artists to reflect on the concept of home, cataloguing their impressions and ways of working. Their art is woven from private, public, and political influences which have multiplied, split, and taken on new forms. Installation, sculpture, collage, painting, and photography come together as a choir of ideas to explore what home is; what it could look like. 
