.this song is about this ephemeral being
.which happens to be an air
.or we can also say:
.whizz, swish, whistle,
.hiss, fizz and buzz.
.it is also about piping,
.rattle, jingle, clink, tinkle,
.hum, chink and clang.
.while being also about going through something,
.free flow, circulation and transformation itself.
.as you pass, the puffs are welcoming you on the threshold
.and numerous sound creation opportunities are emerging
.under the pink tongue.
.feel free to play your song
.surrounded by the sounds of air
.we pass to the afterimages of steadiness and permanence.
lightweight fabrics
allowed us to work
with the wind
Singing Whistle
Video Performance

/copper pipe/
part of the installation
created during the residency
The element of air is
attributed to copper.

It has cleansing
and healing properties.
The metal cleans water,
crystals and air.

It can activate
and opes the base
but also sacral chakra;
advancing and stabilising
the energies of intuition,
sexuality, desire, and vitality.

part of
It needs an air supply to grow.

Kombucha - also known
as tea mushroom, tea
fungus, or Manchurian
It is a fermented, lightly
effervescent, sweetened
black tea
drink commonly
consumed for its
purported health benefits.

It is produced by
fermenting sugared tea
using a symbiotic culture
of bacteria and yeast
(SCOBY) commonly
called a "mother" or

/quartz and crystals/
part of the installation

Crystals and quartz stones
have healing abilities as
they allow positive energy
to flow into the body
thus making the toxic
energy go away.

and its
part of
the showcase
Japanese people believe salt
is cleansing, and a preserver
of purity.
In the purification rituals of
misogi (a similar concept to
salt is used to remove all
spiritual dirt from the
Within Shinto purification
rituals, salt is one of three
offered to the Kamias an
instrument to ward off evil
And during childbirth a
mother will not only bathe
in salt water to purify
but will also scatter salt
around the room to purify

Leviticus 2:13
reads: "And
every offering
of your grain
offering you
shall season
with salt;
you shall not
allow the salt of
the covenant of
your God to be
lacking from
your grain

Salt itself is
good luck.
People were
once advised to
carry some sea
salt in their
when, for
example, they
were going on a
new journey,
as it would
bring them
good luck.

Salt is a
preservative and is
incorruptible and