a project conceived by Xinyi Zhang (@artofxinyi)

The Healing Garden is a virtual and metaphysical sacred space for nourishing positive visions for ourselves and our communities. These visions are encoded in the form of Healing Garden Objects, which represent our collective dreams and desires for positive transformation...


During Open Studios, you are invited to take part in this creative co-llaboration 🙂


  1. Enter the sacred space of the Garden through the portal below (please turn on your sound):

  1. Find the Healing Garden Sanctum and complete the short guided meditation there to create your object: 

The Object Creation Sanctum

  1. Submit your object using this form.

Spend as much time in the Garden as you wish (you may hover and click to see more information about each object). The Garden is continuously being constructed and expanded as more artifacts are contributed. While you wait for your personal object to show up in the Garden, you can stay updated on the progress of the project by following the Healing Garden Objects Instagram page @healinggardenobjects. 

We hope you enjoyed your visit to the Garden. If you're interested in delving deeper into the project or arranging a virtual studio visit, please feel free to reach out to Xinyi at info@artofxinyi.com.