Bukra “Tomorrow” Series
Mixed Media

Bukra Sound Composition
Guillaume Rouseré & Saida AlKhulaifi


Saida Alkhulaifi is a visual artist and curator. She obtained her MA degree in Museums and Gallery Practice from the University College of London and is currently working in the contemporary arts field in Qatar. She is interested in understanding the world around her through looking into themes of time, society norms, and nature. Her artistic approach is a mix of analogue photography, experimental developing and printing, illustration, text, and embroidery.

The wait for a romanticized future where dreams and hopes come true is an expectation that overwhelms the present. But also, what is considered present today, tomorrow becomes a memory. Alkhulaifi’s current body of work explores the theme of time within the context of recent memory, emotions, human behavior, and object symbolism. The starting point to any visual narrative is always a photograph in an attempt to grasp fleeting memories.

Alkhulaifi focuses on observing her thoughts in the moment alongside her surroundings, and later on, she translates those observations into visuals and words. The notion of time is explored through layering and added text, investigating different surfaces and mediums, experimental photography, and where all of these exist in time and space. Inspired by alternative photography methods, her GlogauAIR’s project includes landscape, still-life photography, and camera-less techniques infused with journal thoughts and classic Arabic poetry questioning and interpreting time.