The Assembly of an Exhibition



Theory + Practice Workshop

In these two days you will explore the methods and stages of assembly and design, defined as the art of solving the problems that affect every exhibition.

Exhibiting is the result of a multi-stage creative process. Here you will see how we can provide solutions to various factors such as space, time, narrative, resources. To simplify the process, a well-defined and flexible strategic plan must be established to conceive exhibition spaces that encourage communication between the work, the space and the public.

In Theory:

Introduction to the basic concepts of the exhibition

The exhibition and its typologies (types and modes of exhibition)

Exhibition Brief

Project and development. Phases

Space. Study and organization

Space Narrative

Place and space as conditioning elements.

Circulation and routes

Design principles. Contrast. Alignment. Repetition. Proximity

Display elements

Human resources. Zonal distances




Basic assembly concepts. Measurements, positioning and level.

Supporting texts


In Practice:

You will draw and make a basic plan of the space (with windows, columns, panels, etc)

Import the pieces of the exhibition to the space plan.

Design the distribution of the works and the exhibition elements that represent the concept of the exhibition, taking into account the structure of the space and the information to be given, the circulation of the visitors and the transitions between the works, the possibility of creating different areas and you’ll see what kind of materials we need to run an exhibition.

Price: 55 euros for 2 days

Register in advance by e-mailing Bruno Festa:

Find out more about Bruno Festa and his work online at his website