Stadt Land Fluss



27 – 30 October, 2022
Opening hours: Fri, Sat, Sun 12 pm – 7 pm
Opening reception: Thursday, October 27, from 5 pm (soft opening)
DJ set from 7 pm (Don Philippe)
Free admission

Workshop: “Making photo books” (in German)
Saturday, October 29, at 4 pm

Sonja Deppisch in conversation with the photographers Karin Kutter and Masha Pryven as well as the publisher Regelindis Westphal. Coffee and cake, free admission

Territory. Land. Earth. Terra. Our geographical environment — including a landscape — is no longer a naïve category. Each word evokes different realities and ideas: the known, the unknown, fantasy, violence, escape and destruction, but also life and renewal, and a change.

How do you allow the landscape to speak? The four photographers deal with this question as a photo collective and listen to landscapes as if they were voices. A landscape can hide the sometimes painful history and at the same time a promise to reveal it. It can become a dialogue between nature and human beings. Oftentimes it is strongly associated with escape and war in a country whose borders are violated. A landscape can also exist as a construct of imagination, within one’s memory, a desirable destination.

For the photographers of the Berlin art group “ebene”, landscape is an idea that helps to think about the visual arrangement of the four photo series in the gallery space, in which their individual borders are blurred, allowing for a new landscape of our time to emerge.


Works by Sonja Deppisch, Karin Kutter, Sabrina Michael, and Masha Pryven