Showcase // Willred Dalto

From the 23/07/2024

until the 30/07/2024

MicroFluorescence, 2014
Video recordings of genetically modified mouse thyroid cells visualised under a laser scanning microscope


The exhibited videos showcase a mesmerising view of genetically modified mouse thyroid cells, captured through laser scanning microscopy. Each vibrant dot of colour signifies a specific protein, rendered fluorescent through precise DNA modification and illuminated by laser light. These microscopic marvels served as the artist’s initial source of inspiration, sparking a colourful visual artistic journey.

In their practice, the artist employs a range of technological and interactive platforms to bridge the gap between art and audience, offering a unique and engaging perspective. Through these interactive methods, the artist invites viewers to explore the intricate beauty of the microscopic world, blending scientific discovery with artistic expression.
