‘What do I know?’, 2024
Acrylic + pencil on plywood with kitsch arboreal plastic paraphernalia
74 x 184 cm
‘What do I know?’
This expressive piece by Nicholas Ferguson looks at how we view the world and how in turn that lens shapes our reality. As children, we inherit an innocence (however short-lived) which leads us to believe that anything is possible; which is then chipped away at by our experience which tells us what is and isn’t feasible. The piece is accompanied by two short poems.
About the artist
Nicholas’ work investigates the power of imagination, through playful and occasionally provocative illustrations of life, often poking fun at himself, society and our human idiosyncrasies. The intention is to cause the viewer to consider how they’d rather see the world.
These fantastical storylines come to him intuitively after seeing an image, an experience or coming to a realization about our behaviour.