This week in GlogauAir’s showcase we are presenting work ‘Novae Terrae’ by resident artist Molly Must.
Molly Must is an American painter with an interest in public history and a background in street art. Her current work is experimental, combining found-paper collage with paint. Posters from the streets of Kreuzberg form the base material of her current project.
In general, Must’s work explores questions about how territorial imagination frames human relationships with land, shaping legacies of power, resource extraction, inheritance and dispossession.
In her current collage series Must references cartographic symbolism and figurative allegory in seeking a framework of motifs that reflect her musings and anxieties about inherited geographies of everyday imperialism.
Molly Must will be presenting her work at GlogauAIR’s Open Studios on June 21 and 22, 2019.