Showcase // Maria Kubysh

From the 27/08/2020

until the 03/09/2020

Untitled (2020) // acrylic, graphite, wax crayon    

Kubysh’s painting is about designing intimate relationships between the work and a viewer. The work’s presentation is adapted to space and context, freeing the picture from the frame and letting it explore the space sculpturally.  

The meaning is malleable as the symbols and markings flow in and out of a conscious grasp. The alphabet of symbols is consistent throughout the paintings, creating an illusion of communication, a vocabulary. The work oscillates between readable, abstract and allusive.

Kubysh leaves a lot of canvas bare and the colours punchy. Light-hearted and spacious, like a breath of fresh air after lengthy and gloomy confinement.

What I dream of is an art of purity and serenity, devoid of troubling or depressing subject matter… a soothing, calming influence on the mind, something like a good armchair that provides relaxation from fatigue.” – Henri Matisse, NOTES OF A PAINTER, 1908

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