Showcase // Huiquan Jiang

From the 22/06/2021

until the 29/06/2021

What Is the Sound of Breathing (2021)

Through video, live performance and installation, Jiang’s work
immerses viewers in an atmosphere both visceral and literal,
embodied and perceptional. Grounded in reverence for life and
nature, her work investigates synesthesia, perception and
improvisation, in conjunction with natural scenes, set within
the form of slow hyper-controlled movement and
improvisational voice. To uncover the potentials of the body
and connect deeper to the self, the recurring forms -poem,
limbs, sound, syllables and breath- are improvised in synergy
rendered as a contemplative moving meditation. The state of
mind is expressed by the integrated body in liminality.
Inspired by her Taichi practice, contemporary dance experience
as well as the daily yoga meditation practice since pandemic,
Jiang brings up the relationship between body and mind. To
control the breath simultaneously with body movement is an
elementary step to evacuate the mind. “What is the sound of
breathing”, unwittingly, the spectator is implied to take a
breath in order to decipher. At that moment, the self is fully
synchronized with its body for the senses are engaging –
breathing, hearing, feeling, observing… which is a glimpse of
synesthetic experience.
