Point of View (2021)
Video 15:38min
I find myself traveling in time by doing virtual tours on google maps. But where am I really? When were these streets recorded? How real can our presence be in our digital interactions? I am immersed in this no-time that is evidenced when standing on a reality that is not mine, from my point of view. With this project I experience a crossroads between two realities; the neighborhood called Berlin in the edge of Bogotá in Colombia and the historic city of Berlin capital of Germany with which I seek to understand ideas about time, the presence and the subjectivity of the being. On a map there will always be a point of view, there will always be a certain perspective from which one is observing it. Is it possible to see the world from another point of view different from our own?
Why are we here? (2021)
Interactive installation
This is a fundamental question that stimulates my work as an artist. I have decided to continue with this search of mine together with the viewers of my work, I appreciate your collaboration and I invite you to share your answer with me.
You’ll be able to see more of Helena’s work during our upcoming Open Studios on June!