


AR meets visual art

by Kensuke Saito & Alice Morishita

Vernissage: 29th of September, from 18:00h to 22:00h
Opening times: 30th of September to the 3rd of October, from 12:00-19:00
Performance · Roots: 30th of September, 19:00h


2 visual artists, from painting to AR. In this exhibition, “PEOPLE, EVOLVE, TRANSFORM ” Kensuke Saito and Alice Morishita’s work from painting (2D) and installation (3D) to AR (3D digital) can be seen. Both of their work revolves around the idea of “human formation and transformation in modern-day society”, working with how information, environment, and culture deeply affect the build-up of people. They share this journey from different angles combining various techniques and media.


Performance · Roots
‘Roots’ is an ongoing research project about representing multi cultural identities through dance. Being of mixed origin, the importance of one’s identity becomes one of the more frustrating themes to express. This project aims to explore the traditional dances/movements which exist in Katherine’s ancestry, which includes Hong Kong Chinese, Scottish and Irish. By exploring and merging elements/rudiments of these styles of dance (classical Chinese 古典舞 and Celtic dance) within her choreography, she has pieced together a representation of her identity in motion. This research project was made possible by Dis-tanz-solo funding program, sponsored by BKM, NEUSTART KULTUR and Dachverband Tanz Deutschland.


Performance by Katherine Leung

Music by Jett Kwong (Guzheng) and Petros Tzekos (Percussion)