Meet the On-line Artist // Yulia Bas

Yulia Bas’s (@yulia__bas) art is a profound exploration of contemporary individuality, unravelling the intricacies of defining personal boundaries.

Through paintings, sculptures, and installations, she seamlessly blends figuration and abstraction, utilising unconventional materials to navigate the realms of physical and mental limits, transitional states, and concealed memories. Influenced by her Jewish heritage and migration experience, Yulia’s creations serve as reflections of her layered identity and pursuit of subjective wholeness.

During her residency, Yulia embarked on a project titled “Siamese Twins” In this endeavour, everyday objects merge into a singular entity, resembling conjoined twins. From shoes and hats to chairs and forks, the project explores the hybridisation of past and present “I”, the digitisation of memory, and the impossibility of being private from one’s own sub-personalities. The body becomes a poignant tool of memory, and the transformation of physicality references the inseparability of past “I” from the corporeality of the present.