Workshop & Exhibition: Longing Belonging

BarLin invites you to join us on a creative journey to explore the feelings around your longing for home and belonging to a new place.

The artists Barbara Bernardi and Linda Paganelli will mentor you through an artistic process over 3 days. We will explore the following questions: What is home for me? When do I feel at home? What am I missing to feel at home here? When or how do I experience a real sense of (be)longing? The goal of the workshop is the creative translation from a feeling to a concrete piece of art.

12th of November from 6pm to 9pm
19th of November from 6pm to 9pm
26th of November from 6pm to 9pm
27th-28th of November exhibition from 3pm to 8pm

We will express our feelings, share our stories and elaborate them artistically with the help of mixed media, such as photography,
video, writing, drawings, installation, etc. We will create an open exhibition and invite everybody to see the
result of our process.

To Whom
The workshop is open to everybody. No artistic knowledge or experience with media is necessary. The workshop will be
held in English, but we can communicate in German, Italian, French, and Spanish according to your preferences.

75 € (if you have financial difficulties don’t hesitate to contact us)
To register, and pay write at

GlogauAIR, Project Space

Day 1 (12th of November from 6pm to 9pm):
Roundtable discussion sharing personal experiences.
BarLin will show examples from literature, academia, and contemporary art, development of your idea and realization plan.

Day 2 (19th of November from 6pm to 9pm):
Presentation of the latest advancement of art piece and feedbacks.

Day 3 (26th of November from 6pm to 9pm):
Setting up of the exhibition together.

Day 4-5 (27th-28th of November exhibition from 3pm to 8pm):
Exhibition open to the public.