First Time here: Live Audiovisual Master Class – Ed.3



“First time here” is an immersive 5-days Master Class dedicated to enquire the abilities to create an audiovisual concept, to develop a live hypothesis and to present it through a collaborative performance or installation, using for example mapping projection, real time video or even audio reaction, with some possible interactions with other devices and analog mediums.

The Master Class is open to video artists, musicians, performers, art and science researchers and students. We wish to have some participants with different backgrounds and encourage any person interested in collaborative audiovisual work to apply, beginners included.

We are interested in beings and in technologies and wish to connect people with different backgrounds as storytellers for our time and our present world. To do so, we associate new technologies with ideas and concepts to shape some inventive representations of our worlds.
We believe in thinking by doing, together.

What we want and what we question:
– To seed, to sketch and to design some new systems which define and invent some innovative connections between their components. Systems are here thoughts outside of any technology device and any power relation.
– Systems are here thought as some ecosystems, in which bodies, minds, and environments evolve simultaneously together, using collaboration and interaction.
– These ecosystems will be created by using new technologies such as video mapping, real time video and augmented reality, but also with some analogic tools such as sounds, words, movements, drawings, and any other related medium suggested by the participants.

Requirements for the participants: being available for the full workshop, bringing a notebook, a video adaptor and any materials and ideas that they want to use during the Master Class.

Cost: 290 euros


The deadline registration is on the 31.01.

Please register by filling out the form. We will then send you the payment’s Information.
Your spot will be fully registered after we receive your payment.

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