simulation vortex, mixed media collage (vinyl, charcoal, oil pastel, print, pen, ‎physarum polycephalum slime mold on paper, found window pane); 67.5X82cm, 2024. 

chimera pupil, airbrush, oil pastel, pen, acrylic, charcoal on wood panel; 61X122cm, 2024.

At GlogauaAIR, Hou is delving into the artist's historical role in crafting mythology, aiming to develop a contemporary mythos integrating cosmic insights, biological agents as artistic medium, and new AI technology. This new series of visual objects intersect the invisible digital, biological, and spiritual realms, revealing the underlying forces shaping our reality with physical material.

flower of evil, charcoal, oil pastel, airbrush, pen on paper, and 3D rendering); 30X30cm, 2024.

Hou's practice digs into ancient understandings of the cosmos, often drawn from Daoist texts, and renders these concepts in an atemporal visual language where ink and charcoal join with 3D material simulations, AI generations, and internet memes in a multi-stepped process. By joining sound, lightning, and interactivity at architectural scale, her installation works are conceptual environments, meeting points of ethereal worlds within the digital and spiritual realms that underlie our reality.

certainty, interactive spatial installation concept rendering, 2024


this asshole fish decided to walk out of the water one day and now I have to go to work and pay rent, stainless steel, wire, charcoal, wood panel, Anthracobia Muelleri mushrooms; 40X45cm, 2024-ongoing.

Detail for simulation vortex.
Anthracobia Muelleri mushroom myceulium.
‎Physarum polycephalum slime mold growing on ink paper.