Endorphin Delusion



Vernissage: September 1st, from 17.00h to 22.00h

Finissage: September 4th, from 17.00h to 22.00h


Rearing its ugly head once again, we are currently experiencing the vivid comeback of hyperconsumption, environmental disaster and political turmoil ironically paired with the illusion of being able to operate more or less like we did before. During lockdowns, the rise of Non Fungible Tokens increased the transactional nature of Art and furthered the global disconnect between Art and ambition; data-dadaism inflating the egos of artists and nudging them towards becoming independent businesses. These times offer an opportunity to face our learned behaviors with fresh eyes. They ask us to decide what, if anything, was learned from forced isolation and how to integrate those lessons moving forward. But they also let us to once again rejoice and celebrate the physical and social aspects of our craft. ‘Endorphin Delusion’ invites us to re-examine the properties of the delusions we lost and what purpose they served in the first place.


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